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Activities to try at home:


1) Build a platform game together - create the first level together, then each person works to create an additional level. Each level should contain 3 enemies/hazards and 1 power up. Play your game and share it with friends and other family members.


2) Each family member has a go at playing a different game that someone else has made. Tell each other what you liked about the game you played, and what changes or improvements could be made.


3) The video tutorial only shows how to create a platform game. Pick one of the other games types and have a go at creating a game together. You can search online for other video tutorials for that type if you get stuck. Help each other to practise your learning skills as you go - keeping calm if things go wrong, looking for different ways around a problem, working as a team and communicating.



Make games online and share them with a fantastic free website, Sploder . Make your own platformer games, space-themed shoot-em-ups, retro arcade games, and even complex physics-based puzzle games. No programming skill is necessary. All you need is a good imagination and a desire to be creative.


Click here for more amazing free websites!

Working with families? Click here for activity ideas.

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